我聽著莫文蔚的忽然之間 覺得小說外出偷馬裡頭有段文句可以應合 適合深夜時邊聽邊看



I shut my eyes into a squint and looked across the water flowing past below the window, shining and glittering like a thousand stars, like the Milky Way could sometimes do in the autumn rushing foamingly on and winding through the night in an endless stream, and you could lie out there beside the fjord at home in the vast darkness with your back against the hard sloping rock gazing up until your eyes hurt, feeling the weight of the universe in all its immensity press down on your chest until you could scarcely breathe or on the contrary be lifted up and simply float away like a mere speck of human flesh in a limitless vacuum, never to return. Just thinking about it could make you vanish a little.(我半瞇著眼望著流過窗下的河水,一閃一閃的像千萬顆的星星,有如秋天裡的銀河,一條無止盡的潺潺溪流蜿蜒曲折在夜空中,在那一個廣垠的黑暗裡,你自在的躺在家鄉的峽灣邊上,背靠著斜斜的岩石仰望,望到眼睛發痛,望到整個宇宙的重量彷彿全部壓在你的胸膛,壓得你幾乎不能呼吸,或者相反的,你被抬了起來漂浮了起來,就像無窮太空中的人肉微粒,永遠不再回來。單憑這樣的想像,就能夠讓你有了一些遁世的感覺。)


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